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"We have it. The smoking gun. The evidence. The potential weapon of mass destruction we have been looking for as our pretext of invading Iraq. There's just one problem -- it's in North Korea." -- Jon Stewart
Well, today is a bit cooler than it has been of late. About -10 deg on the Wendy's Frosty scale.
We went to see Kevin Taylor the tax accountant this morning. Our incomes are a mish-mosh of RIFs, RRSPs, incomes and pensions and deductions...so we grabbed our shoe-box full of tax slips and receipts and plunked them on his desk, with the hopes that we will get some back.

Then we went over to CAA and picked up some maps and stuff for the trip out to Nova Scotia this August. And while we were there we inquired about air fares to Vancouver. Lois and Brett Munroe are having a 25th wedding anniversary on July 3rd and have invited us to come. The air fares are up at that time of year so...its a case of do we get tickets now and be assured of a seat, do we chance it and get tickets later because if we get tickets now and there is a seat sale then you don't get refunded the
difference. Or...then again we may just come out by car, which is probably what we will do. At any rate we will be coming to Vancouver! We have to be there on July 3rd....so far that is the date we shall plan around.


Class tonight. Looking forward to it. I have been fooling around with the software since I got it last Friday. Fireworks is in the suite too, and that is fun.

Jack APB....

Has anyone heard from Jack? Has he dropped out of the human race?? Is he still alive?? I have e-mailed him several times and received no reply. Could he be too busy to update his Blog spot? Jack...this is your brother talking...if someone is holding you for ransom then let us know....we can all chip in and come up with $20 -$30 Canadian..thats about $10.00 US....do you think it will be more????....if you are in jail...we can help...my cousin's freind knows a guy...he's not a lawyer but he knows a friend that has a lawyer as a friend and he can get you out.....talk to us...it can't be that bad....if you are working too hard...take a breather and write a note to your brothers...a short one will do...HI< FINE< EAT< SLEEP...you know, like one of your phone calls....Too busy, got to go now, Dennis.

Las Vegas Gary...craps king!...

Claims that he is the only one to keep on winning or was that whinning? He is currently in Las Vegas...staying in the parking lot at the Circus-Circus (close to the nickel slots!). I understand that he is going to see the Segfried and Roy show or is that now Roy and Roy. Anyhow I suggested that he get good seats ...right at the front and wear a big, big hat and wave at the lions...they are sooo friendly...sometimes zee vant to cuddles youz reall clooze...unt zey sometimes like to nibble your ears...doze playful things. On second thought go see a topless review, like you did the last time, only this time wear a shirt (topless means them and not you!).

Well, better go, I have tickets for the latest breaking news on the remodelling and expansion of the Reh-fit Centre's building......and yes, refreshments WILL be served. I try to take Catherine out at least once a month...even though these tickets were free, it still counts as an outing and oh yes...refreshments will be served. Money is no object with this guy!.........Keep on blogging Bubba!

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