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The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Here it is Monday. A nice sunny day in Centreville. (Winnipeg is the centre of Canada). Still expect a little snow tonight. Funny, the kids here haven't had a snow day for years. In Halifax the kids have had 14 sonw days....14! I guess they had a few snow days in Oklahoma this year, Jack had said when he was here in October that last year they had 5 snow days. Here, for a couple of days this winter it was so cold that the school buses would not start.....but the schools never closed, they just expected you to drive them!

Anywho, I got an e-mail from Lyn. Seems that nowadays they change the last name beforethey get married....some kinda Information Services cock up....as usual. heehee Well not much happening here today, just worked on my dreamweaver, etc., then we went to the Reh-fit for a workout. Paul had a bit of a "heart problem" a week ago last Thursday. He says it is nothing serious and that may be but he should give up smoking!!!! I tried to convince him that he should get some exercise too. He plays a lot of golf but is pretty inactive in the winter.

Better go....din-din is ready....keep blogging!

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