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The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

~Martin Luther King, Jr.
Hello there....We had a bit of a snowstorm, more blow than snow, last night so I guess that winter is not over yet. Its supposed to get warmer by tomorrow, though. It will have to be warm for a few days straight to get rid of the snow thats on the ground.

Catherine went to a funeral for a friend of hers on Tuesday. She was the same age as Catherine and she died of stomach cancer, not a pleasant way to go. She only found out about the cancer 6 months ago. It was about that time that her sister had an accident and when they took x-rays to check of a concussion, they found out that the sister had a brain tumor. The sister died within 3 weeks. Pretty sad.

My dreamweaver class is tonight. Only one more after this one. That is a good thing too because my head is fo full that I am sure that it springs a leak at night because when I get up in the morning I know less than I did the night before. Its a never ending battle...trying to keep my head full of knowledge that is.

Working at the museum is tedious. Last week I was there for 3 days. I wish that they would appreciate volunteers more. For one thing they could advocate with the government to get volunteers 'write-offs' against their taxes. It would be a big help if we could write-off expences like gas, wear and tear on the car, etc. The biggest asset that the museum has is its volunteers. Anywho, the Wright Bros exhibit is going well, a lot of people have come to see it. They have asked me to start giving tours, since I kind of do that anyway. That would be good for a change.

Well better do some studying before a gots to goes to da class like.
Later.....Keep on blogging.

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