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I don't know how the third world war will be fought, but I do know that the fourth one will be fought with sticks and stones...
-— Albert Einstein.
Couldn't sleep...

It's 6:48 in the AM and I could not sleep. I had a web publishing class last night and my head is still swimming with images and I am trying to set up tables for those images. Remember Save,save,save. Two more classes to go and my head is full now! Next week we use 'Fireworks'. Its funny but the best way to lay out a web page is by using a pencil and some paper!...isn't that a step backwards?

YAWN....YAWN...better go and try to nap since I have to be at the WCAM at the ungodly (did I say that?) hour of 10:00 AM. Who the hell is mobile at 10 in the morning...I'm on my second cup of coffee and only halfway through the paper by then....YAWN.
later....Keep Yawning...er blogging

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