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A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of.
Ogden Nash
Home, Home on the range......

Well, well, well. Gary and Carol are back in Victoria....O Canada, glorious and free, we stand on guard we stand on guard for thee. Tea and Tiffen at the Empress hotel. Taw Taw Taw! Imagine that, what a trip, and they are still together! And no health problems apart from the minor colds, etc. The kids will be glad that Gary and Carol are back as their poor disorganized lives must have degenerated into complete disarray without them! A lot of catching up to do! Well, if G & C can't make the adjustment back to residential life quickly they can always jump into the RV and go park at the local Wal-Mart for an 'over-nighter'.

Make love not War! ....

Or words to that effect. We just got back from the peace march and rally that took place in Winnipeg, this cool (-10 deg c.) Saturday. Our cheeks were red......so was our face cheeks! But, it felt good to be standing for something among various protestors (some of whom I disagree with.....F**k Bush, seems a bit harsh and Canada should be in Haiti! and what is with these dudes that have to cover their face?), including several people from the Humanist Association of Manitoba. Peace Brother!

Mother dear....

Mom had to be taken to the hopital Friday night because she had a nose-bleed that would not stop. They packed it for her and held the packing in with a bandage shapped like an 'X', and now she looks like Miss Piggy. We went over to see her today and brought her some McFood for lunch. She seems fine but says that when she lays down, her nose starts to bleed all over again. I just called her again and she says she is fine. I will call her tomorrow.

I can only do one thing at a time!....

Seems like 'Action' Jackson has taken himself a maid. Yes, yes, Jack has a girlfriend. Seems that is why he doesn't have time to do much else ....like take 5 minutes to read the damn blogs!....what walk and chew gum at the same time???? Well, given a year or two we may hear all about her! Jack, if you read this, send me an e-mail saying 'YUP"

Well, better go, I got a bit of a cold and I need some rest.......later gators....keep on blogging.

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