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"Wilbur and I could hardly wait for morning to come to get at something that interested us. That's happiness."

-- Orville Wright


Hello, this is the prairie dog here...WOO WOO WOO! The weather here has been spring like. Today it is about 3 deg c. The snow is melting...but I guess I shouldn't talk too soon!...I may jinx it! Suffice to say, it has been warm...nudge, nudge, wink, wink...that 'scottish play' and all that rot...what-hey?

I spent this AM securitanizing at the museum. Not so much securitanizing as tour guiding...I just can't stop myself from taking people around the pictures and splain'in stuff! Much more fun than standing there looking security-like (whatever that is). You are not supposed to do it but piss on them...they wouldn't let me carry a gun, anyway!!!
Not that I need a gun....well, maybe for defence. There would be no pre-emptive gun action here though.....unless they look like they have guns ..or the capability to make guns in the future....or know someone who has guns and would barter for something like camels or such.

Better go, today is a Reh-fit day. Still no camera phones being smuggled into the men's locker room....there is a mental picture for you! A bunch of old men just hangin' out! Anyhow, keep blogging!.....later

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