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"Wilbur and I could hardly wait for morning to come to get at something that interested us. That's happiness."

-- Orville Wright

Hello Friday!....Its hot today...its, its ,its....SULTRY. its -10 deg C but SUNNY. Thats sunny as in 240 +- o clarifications on the clarity scale.

Orvy and Wilby...

Just got back from the Aviation museum... I was there securitanizing...working as security for the wright Bros exhibit. I got there right at 10:00 AM for the museum opening. I told the other three guys that the art of securitanizing consisted of being wary, and vigilant but NOT obtrusive!!!! Don't be peeking around corners, etc. And when the first couple came in I showed them the first photograph and from there on I just had to explain everything...every picture, all the stories I had heard at the presentation on Saturday by the curator of the Dayton Museum. I didn't let up until all the pictures were seen....then I realized that this was being a little bit intrusive!!!??? I excused myself and said that if that was so I was sorry for yakking away but they thanked me profusely and carried on to see the lithographs...of course I got razzed by the other securitanizers. do you think I should carry a gun???...no, all I have to do is talk and I would probably bore them to death before they could escape with a picture!

I saw one of the new 737 -700's today...you know the one with the winglets on the wing tips? Those winglets serve to save on fuel. They use 1/2 the amount of fuel that an old 737 uses, just because of those winglets.

Well better get ready for the Friday workout....

Keep blogging......

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