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"Wilbur and I could hardly wait for morning to come to get at something that interested us. That's happiness."

-- Orville Wright

Hello...its Sunday.

We just now got back from the mall, and Catherine has taken the doggie out for a walk. We went to get Catherine a new purse since she broke the zipper on the one she had.

The Festival du Voyageur opened Friday. We haven't gone yet but we intend to go later in the week. There were dog races held yesterday right on the river at the Forks. It was a bit cold but that doesn't stop those crazy dogs from running...that's what they live for ! The snow sculptures are finished and they will be judged. The tents and Fort Gibralter are opened and I'll be that there was a lot of good cheer last night! Its nice to see many people dressed voyageur style, in hudson's bay blanket coats (called capotes) and fur hats and sashes (called centieure flechees)...HeyHoe! I'll send the link later.

We had our Humanist meeting dinner last night. The food was excellant, a half chicken, salad, dessert...great. We discussed 'funerals without God' and there was manys tories of people being taken advantage of by unscrupulous funeral directors...they'll tell you anything to make a sale. We were told when Dad died that it was against the law to scatter the ashes of a loved one. It is not against the law, but you have to ask permission to dump the ashes on private property. Anyhow, people shuld make their wishes known to those that are going to be left to plan for their funeral....cremation, or ?, body left to science?, do you want a wake?, sevice?, memorial service?, religious, non-religious? Many questions. We heard of one professor at the university of manitoba that just wanted a cremation and then a wake...just a bunch of friends gathering together in one room, in his honour. We heard of another where the funeral was very informal and everyone and anyone who wanted to, could speak about the deceased. Anyways, there are many ways to do it but it is important to make those plans before they are made for you. There was two fellows that came who were from the Winkler area. They were self-described 'flaming atheists' and one was married and had kids going to regulars school. The school has religious classes (which I thought were outlawed) and he was in a quandry as to whether his kids should be allowed to go. If they did..he was a hypocrite, and if they didn't then the kids would be ostracized. damn Mennonites, anyway. Religion has no place in school, if you want your kids to learn about religion, then teach them at home!...or in church. There also was a woman there that protested the calling by a church to prayer sessions in the legislative buildings. As a result of her protest, the prayers are no longer allowed. We move in tiny steps.
Well, better go, the East coast music awards (Easties) are on tonight.
Keep on blogging!

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