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Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.
--Albert Einstein


Looks like Janet Jackson's breast popped out of its cover and saw its shadow.......that means six more weeks of winter!..............

Boy the NYT x-word puzzle was a biotch this AM! It took us over an hour and we are not sure that it is right, but we filled in all the squares, so that means we finished it , right????

We just got back from taking the dog for a walk around the duck pond at the St. Vital park. Lots of people were out skating with their kids and having lots-0-fun, skating and sliding on the tobbogan slides. Its +3 degrees right now and the snow is melting! I hope this weather holds for the Festival De Voyageur! It would not be good for the snow sculptures but it would be good for the feet! Looks like spring already! Ok maybe in 6 weeks...I'll take 6 weeks! ....4 months of winter, that's enough!

Well, the grammys are on tonight. Should be good...I wonder if Janet Jackson will be.......OK nevermind. I thought maybe a second opinion on the 6 weeks of winter thing.

Did anyone else catch George Dubyah on "Meet the Press" with Tim Russert? It was good. Kinda reminded me of me writing one of the essay questions for Philosophy exams. You have to keep writing and writing even if, and especially if, you can answer in only one sentence, it is important for you to keep wirting so that you can fill up the pages of the little booklet they give you and that way the professor will think that you really know what you are talking about even though you could have done the whole thing in one sentence, as would appear to be the most logical and prudent way to mitigate the fact that you don't have a friggin' clue as to what you are saying and you regret not having attended a few more classes. Well, anyways, Dubyah should not have agreed to the interview because he is not good having to think on his feet. He came off looking shallow and not to put too fine a point on it.... vulnerable. This is good because Kerry is showing ahead of Bush in the polls. Tim Russert asked Dubyah why he thought that people are so polarized over him...ya either love him or hate him...maybe it all started with "you are either with us (him and his cronies) or against us"....we will broach no thinking out of the box!

Well better go.....keep on blogging!!!!! Ciao.

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