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Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.
--Albert Einstein


Cold Mountain...

Yesterday, we went to see "Cold Mountain". Minghella is the director. He's the one who directed "The English Patient". The movie is at once breathtaking in scope and moves from horrible civil war battles scenes to tender love scenes. The cinematography is really well done. Jude Law plays a rebel soldier who is wounded in battle and then, while in the hospital, decides to desert and make his way back to the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina and Cold Mountain, his home. He is returning to his loved one, played by Nicole Kidman. He meets Kidman only briefly at the beginning of the movie and spends the rest of the time in battle or struggling to get back home. The real story seems to be the relationship between Kidman and Renee Zelwigger, who plays a gutsy dame, willing to so the 'hard' labour of running the farm. She has to help out on Kidman's farm, because Kidman, who has lost her father, is now a lost soul, unable to cope. The movie is a good one (long at about 2 1/2 hours) but shows more like a TV mini series than a movie because the main characters are meeting others along the way, one after another. It makes you wonder and look forward to what/who will be in next weeks show. Kidman doesn't deserve an Oscar for this but Renee does. Even though, Zelwigger's part could have been more poignant if they had a black woman playing that part, she did a credible job. Zelwigger will not win an oscar, however because everyone agrees that Charlize Theron will take it for her role in "Monster". Jude law is nominated for a best actor Oscar but odds are with the golden globe winner Bill Murray for "Lost in Transalation".

Once Upon a Time in Mexico...

I think that this is the 3rd one in the "El Mariachi" trilogy. We rented it last night on the way home after seeing "Cold Mountain". If you like Johnny Depp, you'll like him in this movie. It also stars Antonio Banderos and Salma Hayek. The action is great, if over the top but the acting keeps it all sort of grounded. Banderos is good as the Mariachi, so cooool and sauaveeee with his dark good looks and his swashbuckling action. Depp plays a crooked CIA agent willing to risk anybodys life to get the money. He plays one scene with a t-shirt on that says "I'm with Stupid" and has an Arrow pointing down! The whole movie is over the top, but very enjoyable if you are a Mariachi fan and we are! We have also rented "Desperado" and will be watching that this week....that is the second in the series.

Super Bowl......and then.....SURVIVOR...!!

Looking forward to the game....hmmm let's see who's playing??? The Panthers and the Patriots....sounds like the Democrats VS the Republicans. I'm pulling for the Democrats...er, the Pathers. I don't watch the NFL as a rule, but you can't miss the Stupor-bowl! The commercials and the half-time show will be great.... I think that it is Shania Twain and the Guess Who....maybe....maybe not, but it will be good. And then, All- Star Survivor. Should be real good. You got to watch it now, ya hear?!

The weather is sunny and -15 deg C. That is a bloody heat wave for us. People are all outside walking and working and playing. I think later we will take doggiewoggies for a walk and let her do peepeeweepies and poopiwoopies. she has not been for a walk for around ten days and she is getting to be a little chunky monkey.

Glad to hear that Gary is have a good time ...see his blog..." the weather is here, wish you were beautiful". Nice to hear the Jack still has his job at the still existant Arts Dept. of SOSU....see his blog. Nice to here Joel's car can only go 95 KM/hr...that way he wont get into an accident on the Sea-to- sky highway when he goes snowboarding....see his blog.

Better go and walk the dog. Keep blogging!!!!!!!!!

Here is a joke: "Die Antworten sind nicht hier... Timo?... Die Antworten sind nicht hier... Timo? Timo!... Die Antworten sind nicht hier... Timo! Die Fragen sind da, aber die Antworten sind nicht da."....That Herr Kneubellsimmermeister is funny!

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