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Saturday...thanks to an unrealistic super being (or not) for this day off. Today it is -8 deg C or, for you TTMs....9083 degs on the Planck curve.
Just this AM I got an e-mail from darling daughter Margot and I shall copy it here:
"Good, entertaining blogs this past week. Thanks for the shout outs!! I have been shooting at the Riley, and I will be shooting and re-shooting again. (my composition and "artist's eye" were lost on the "Comission" (sp?) Anyway, you can't teach everyone the art of art. hehheh. Here's somethin' else to add to your Blog. I am going to be in another show at Exposure Gallery. It's the annual Winter Salon and my gloriously composed snap of fish in ice at Granville Island will be framed, hung and, dare I say it? SOLD at the show. It opens on Dec. 4th, for you humanists that's 17 days before the Winter Solstice. (I think) ........21 minus 4 right? well, no matter, it certainly won't be the last of my talented endeavors. My goal now?.....Glad you asked, to have a solo show. I just have to develop a strong body of work. ....not so hard,.......it's just a flabby body of work at the moment. hey, cut and Paste this onto the blog, 'cause I have no idea how to add it myself.......it's not one of my goals. Computer ignorance suits me jus' fine. Kisses to all, and be sure to eat some Jeannie's cake for me, dad, oh who am I kidding. "
Sounds like she is doing well. Too bad she did not bring any pictures when she came. We will have to get some pics to frame. HintHintHint It is a shame that not everyone knows the secrets to blogging........I guess blogging belongs to the Ousey Boys.....kind of like the hole in the wall gang....or hole in the head gang more like bwahahahaha
OPUS IS BACK IN THE COMICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OPUS IS BACK IN THE COMICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah the ole penguin from Bloom county just appeared on the front page of the Freep comics. I guess Berkeley Breathed is back after a 10 year hiatus (no doubt while lying naked amongst the periwinkles!). WOOHOO
George Bush isn't fooling anyone...........going to England with a Canada flag sewn onto to his backpack! Bushy's generals in Iraq have implemented something called operation "Iron hammer" to quell the many attacks by rebels 'againstus'....(as in you are either withus or againstus)....they should implement operation "Arm and hammer" and go door to door in Iraq and deodorize some refridgerators instead!
Today we are taking Nana out for DinDin. We'll go to the Oceana restaurant for a change and have 'dinner for three'. And then..........hmmmmm Jeannies cake...I think I shall partake.
I see by Gary's blog that He and Carol were in Grand ole Opry land on Thursday anyway. I remember watching the grand ole horse opry on Saturday afternoons...those were the days. But Gary and Carol don't like opry and for that matter they don't like horses neither.
Speaking of horses, they will be in Tishomingo, probably today or tomorrow (sunday) visiting brother Jackson and the two little Jacksons....Hey the Jackson three (3).
Well, must go and get ready.
Until later mes amis....avoirdupois!

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