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Its around minus 5 deg C...thats aboot plus 97.6 deg FU..(Fuerinheit) for you TTM's Tennessee Trunk Monkeys) BWAHAHA
Just paid my 'Lectric bill N my Gas bill...gotta pay for gas 'round here, ushually you R gittin' gas fuh free....lik when youse bin eatin' those franks and beans.
We went to see "Master & Commander" Today and it was rated TWO (2) Thumbs (end o your hand finger...the stubby one) UP! It was good. Russell Crowe was great. I thought he was good in "A Perfect Mind" but I think this movie was made for him...I think he really got into it. Very impressive on the big screen!....you feel that you are right in the picture! Highly recommended. Could have done without the 'amputation' scene but only becsue it was too realistic.
Tomorrow I got computer club in the AM.
Til tomorrow then, Den.

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