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Hello, Wednesday. It is cool at about -5 deg C but very sunny. Today is Aviation museum day and I will be off soon. I will be picked up in a Limousine and rushed off to meet and greet all my fans at the museum. I will entertain many children by regaling them with stories of airplanes and flying that will make the little hairs on the backs of their necks stand up, assuming that they have not passed out from the excitment already! All kidding aside, I will eat a cheese sangy and go to the museum in my old Tyota and wrestle with the little unruly bas***** (children) and keep them from stealing the wig off the poor old mannequin of a Trans Canada Airlines Stewardess standing sentinel in front of the old Viscount!
Anyhow, yesterday we picked up Nana and took her for a ride out to Gimli for the day. We took the dog too, and in the back-seat Nana and Suzie were great companions, taking turns napping. The day was beautiful and sunny and the scenery was (to say the least) stunning. Lucky shall be the person or persons able to camp near that bustling mecca of delight next summer. Oh my goodness, it could be...nay will be Us! We shall park our 'Land Yacht', our ' Conestoga Wagon of the 21st Century', our, 'luxurious pop-up, fold down, Viking camper-of-the-year, at the Gimli campground and recreation complex, next summer. Can't hardly wait..........

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