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Hello Friday.....a workout day.
It is -10 deg C. thats 76.378564 deg Fl. Scruples for those who have none. heh heh
Today Catherine substituted for a woman she knows at Vincent Massey Collegiate. The principal there is Jim Hunt, Catherine's former principal at Nordale School. It was a grade 6 class and Catherine had a bit of trouble with an ADHD student and another who kept telling her that, "Our teacher doesn't do it that way!" at every opportunity. I went to my computer group meeting SIG (special interest group) Internet meeting. A guy was there from Advance telling us all about digital cameras. Suzie stayed home and guarded the house! I taught her how to operate the house alarm in case she needed to go out for any reason. She learned quick, not like Jack....he still can't figure it out! I am currently trying to teach Suzie to shut the door. I have been taping a cookie to the door, at first quite low and gradually higher and higher until she has to pretty well jump up to get the cookie and then as a consequence, closes the door.............I am the man. Afterwards I may try to teach her to open the door...possibly taping a cookie to the door handle heh heh heh
The dog got me up in the night to let her outside and then I could not get back to sleep, but she went back to sleep right away. But.....now if she can operate the alarm and open the door.....and close the door...we may have something.....she could let herself out and in again.
And, I could stay in bed. Good plan, eh wot?
An Englihman gets home to find his wife in bed with three men...what does he say?..............
Allo, Allo, Allo............coiuld be more like a Frenchman the way that sounds! How about Ello, Ello ,Ello.
I see George Dubya is no longer looking for weapons of mass destruction, but he has reassigned the 1400 people looking for them (for the past 6 months!) to look for insurgents/rebels. I think that they wont have to look far.... they are all over the place among the general population that is getting tired of being pushed around by Americans! Let the Iraqis have their election and get out......yea right , like they are ever going to leave. Dubya would not agree with the French in setting a timetable for the turn over of Iraq to Iraqis and then a month later they set a date of June.....sounds better on their terms I guess. Well that is my political rant for the day. Liberate Iraq?!? ...... They can't find Osama and he has an entourage of hundreds, a dozen wives and he is dragging around a dialysis machine!!!!
Boy, Canada better watch out......decriminalizing marijuana, supporting the world court, supporting Kyoto, legalizing marriages between gays........I am sure that there is a deck of cards out there with all our faces in it! Well that is my political rant for the day.
Better go for my work out.
Well mesamis, AVOIR DUPOIS!

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