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Friday....we took over to Nana's ....to the Lion's Manor House Born, some socks, tangerines, pillows, and medicines (her new metformin prescription). We also got her a new blood glucose monitor......Heh, Heh...one that can be downloaded to a computer...my computer. It will chart her readings and in doing so her doctor can adjust her meds. I do it too and it seems that everytime I take my doctor a report he bumps up my insulin. I take NPH insulin; the kind that is supposed to work for 24 hours and I am up to 15 to 20 units per day. I take it in the evening because I am one of those people whose glucose goes up through the night. I have been having problems controlling my blood sugars since I got a flu shot at the beginning of November. I don't know what it was but I felt sick for a few days after I got my shot.
It sounds like Gary has found a nice spot in Virginia...or else he doesn't know where to go next. And he bought another digital camera and Carol is using it??? Has he gone mad? Introduce Carol to technology and God (or some other irrational supreme life-like force) only knows where it will lead! She'll be on the internet next!
Got this problem with my knee.....now I am not one to complain, but I am sure that it happened at birth......You see, my legs have always been rather short; not in proportion to my body, you see. They are kind of bowl-legged from the knees down. Jack is kind of the same way too...short ass to the ground and long body. Gary is the tallest because he doesn't have bowl-legs. Anyway, I figure that because of my LBS (lower bow-leg syndrome) a vastly higher pressure than normal is put on my knees...especially my right one because I dress on that side (nudge nudge wink wink). I contemplated suing the doctor that assisted in my birth because he may have "HELD ME BACK" in the birth canal you see, that could have been the initial cause of my LBS, but Mom says that he is dead already. I think that she is just covering for him! It is a conspiracy and I have the arthritic knee as a result! This is bigger than the Kennedy conspiracy! Anyhow, after taking something to reduce the inflamation, we went over for a workout ( Catherine can't miss her Hip-Hop class!) and I did my usual 555...(that is 5 kms walking 5 miles cycling and 5 minutes in the shower) which is as near a triathalon as I get, and I felt fine but I am paying for it today! And today is the day I promised to put up the 'Winter Solstice' lights ( or as you lay people call them Christmas lights). Up and down the ladder, up and down the ladder.....damn Doctor....maybe I can sue his estate!.....hmmmmm.....got to go call my lawyer, Smucker, Smucker, Smucker and Squeezem. More later.................

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