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Whew...it's been a busy week.
First off...Mother: I took her to the Victoria Hospital Friday afternoon about 12:30pm. She got a call from her Doctor in the morning and the Doctor told her that she chould go into the hospital as her pulse was quite low ( below 40 beats/min.). This was uncovered at the Doctor's office on Thursday, when Mother went and had a battery of tests done. When we got to emergency at Victoria, her pulse was weak. There were three doctors there who discussed the case at length and they decided, based on current indications and indications from the last time she was there in Feb. 2002, that a pace-maker for her would be appropriate. The final decision was made by a cardiologist when he saw her Friday night. When I saw her again Friday night, she was still in emergency but today ( Sat.) she has been moved to "Observation". I spoke to her nurse and she told me that there was a real good chance that mother would be kept there until the pace-maker could be installed, which is to happen within the week. The only hitch is that the procedure will have to be done at the St. Boniface hospital. But if she is released from Victoria hospital before the pace-maker is installed then we shall have her come and stay at our motel...er ..house. The procedure is a very simple one involving a pace-maker the size of 2 coins installed just under the skin of her chest. The operation may take approx. 20 minutes. Mother feels better now, knowing that something will be done. She remains in good spirits and her condition is stable, but they are taking her off her meds. (like coumadin) until she has the operation, so that is why they are hesitant to let her go home. Like I said, she is in good spirits, so she requests that no one should worry about her. Should anything develop, I will be in touch, until then sit tight and think of her. If you want to, for any reason at all, you can call me.
Apart from that...
Friday night, Catherine and I took Margot and Joel out to dinner to celebrate their second anniversary. We ate lots of Italian and drank some Chilean plonk and finished with Tiri-misu and a good time was had by all. Joel bought Margot an nice diamond necklace.
The rest of Friday and Today was taken up with the situation with Mother.
We are having a nice barbecue tonight and we will take in a nice breakfast at a restaurant tomorrow before Margot and Joel have to return to Vancouver on a 1:45 pm flight. We have had a wonderful visit and it was made especially better with Jack being here too that we shall be very sad once they leave.
Life is what happens to you while you are making plans...........
jusqu'à demain

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