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Well, here we are Thursday. We just got back from the hospital. Mom is fine. she says that her heart seems to be beating so fast....well I guess so, before this it was frequently below 40...on Monday morning they took her pulse and it was 32...any slower and she would be working for the government! We received the flowers from Gary and the kids, two nice arrangements! Mother wanted me to tell you that she thinks they are very nice and she thanks all very much. She will be able to tell you herself, later. She will be released tomorrow, sometime...not sure when, but I guess they will call. Seems like Catherine and I have put our life on hold for a week or so. Anyhow, Mother will be coming to stay with us for a few days. But remember that if you phone her that she can't hear to good on my phone. Her phone has an amplifier on it and when you use it it can be heard accross the street! She has a new heariing aid but can't use it on the phone. I asked what kind it was and she said "Oh, about two o'clock!"......
Tonight we are going to the Reh-fit centre to attend a member appreciaiton night. They give out gifts and the size of the gift depends on the number of years that you have been a member. Last year, for 5 years as a member, I got a water bottle...WooHoo! Ah well, there is entertainment and tables are set up for members to display and sell their hobby-type goods. Maybe next year I can sell some stained glass stuff????!!!!
We went to Safeway today and cashed in on 350(+) airmiles...every so often they have a promotion on and if you spend $200,00 you can get 250 air miles (I did that with a couple of prescriptions!) and for $100.00 you can get 100 air miles ( Catherine did that in groceries). We have to build up our airmiles again since we used a bunch on Margot and Joel's trip here.
What do you get when you divide the area of a pumpkin by its radius ??????
pumpkin pi.....

jusqu'à demain

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