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Today is Friday and it is cloudy and around 17 deg.C. I guess the 'heat' wave is over. Yesterday it was 27 deg,c and sunny. Just a beautiful stretch of warm weather for Winnipeg in October.
Leaves all over the place...it seems that one day they were all attached to trees and all was right with the world and then the next day....whoosh all the leaves came down at once. Can't wait for joel to get here and get the leaves cleaned up!!!!! hee-hee
Yesterday, I went over to the Aviation museum to have some cake and coffee in honour of a guy who is leaving. Catherine worked on her writing and then we went for a long walk with the dog to Blockbuster. We rented "Holes" and "Bend it Like Beckham". We watched "Holes" last night. It is a great little Disney movie that the whole family can enjoy. The screenplay was written by the same guy who wrote the book and that kept the wonderful imagination of the book alive in the movie. The movie is seamless in its editing and the acting of Jon Voight as "Mr. Sir" and Sigourney Weaver as "The Warden" is great. Really worth seeing.......Jamie and Andrew would enjoy it, I am sure of that!
Tonight the Bombers play Hamilton on a Televised game.....Woo-hoo. GO BOMBERS
On a sad note, Izzy Asper passed away recently and the funeral was yesterday. Both Prime Ministers were there, Cretien and Martin. Izzy was a tireless supporter of Winnipeg and insisted on running his billion dollar empire from here. He was a tough negotiater....His eyes on a trinket, he once haggled with a street vendor in Bombay and agreed to a VEERY low price and then felt bad and tried to give the guy more money, upsetting the poor vendor even more because he thought that Izzy was reopening negotiations! The guy had a lot of class and will be missed. I hope his dream of building a "Human Rights Museum" in Winnipeg will be kept alive.

Well.....tomorrow is another day.....

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