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Hello Friday.
Just got in the door with Mother in tow. They did some blood work at the hospital at 10:00 AM this morning and the results never came back until around 2:00 PM. They had to make sure she was clear for take-off. Anyhow, she is here now and settling in. She is in good spirits and severalof the nurses on the different shifts said that they would miss her when she goes .....the nurse that was on today said that Mom was a really nice lady. We had bags of stuff to bring back. She needed a separate bag just for condiments!.....sugar-twin, salt, pepper, hand lotion (2 bottles), cookies, etc. We did not take Gary's flowers to the hospital yesterday because we would have had to bring them back today. With three bouquets, the guest room is bursting with flowers and they brighten up the room and smell so good, too.
Well, better go eat before the little gremlins get here!.............hope there is some chocolates left.......damn dog probably ate some, huh?
'till tomorrow, then

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